OeAD (Österreichische Austauschdienst) Scientific & Technological Cooperation (Wissenschaftlich-Technische Zusammenarbeit (WTZ)
financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW)
and by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT)


The proposed joint project aims at theoretical and numerical investigation of non-linear systems for hypo-plastic models describing frictional granular materials like cohesionless soils and broken rock fills. Based on the concept of hypo-plasticity of the Kolymbas type different constitutive models with various properties are proposed in the literature. The focus of the research is on a dynamic behaviour of the systems of governed equations with respect to hysteresis under various cycling loading conditions and stability in the sense of Lyapunov. Developing of suitable numerical techniques will support the theoretical research planned in the project. The results can also be helpful for engineers for selection of appropriate models for practical application.

DURATION: 1.01.2020 - 31.12.2022



PI: Victor A. Kovtunenko
Erich Bauer
Ján Eliaš
Anna V. Zubkova (Buchynskaja)


PI: Giselle Antunes Monteiro
Pavel Krejčí
Judita Runcziková
Lenka Siváková



14-18.04.2020: Prague (E. Bauer, J. Eliaš, V.A. Kovtunenko) - Coronavirus-lockdown
20-24.04.2020: Graz (P. Krejčí, J. Runcziková) - Coronavirus-lockdown


16.12.2020: “Hierarchy of hypoplastic material models” by E. Bauer, “On solution of initial boundary value problems in hypoplasticity” by V.A. Kovtunenko , “A model for phase transitions in elastoplastic porous media” by P. Krejčí during The Second Russia-Japan Workshop on Mathematical analysis of fracture phenomena for elastic structures and its applications - 20th Conference of Continuum Mechanics Focusing on Singularities (CoMFoS20), Novosibirsk-Tokyo (online), 15-17.12.2020



13-17.09.2021: Prague (E. Bauer, V.A. Kovtunenko)
11-15.10.2021: Graz (P. Krejčí, J. Runcziková)
06-12.12.2021: Prague (E. Bauer, 06-11 V.A. Kovtunenko)



15-19.08.2022: Prague (E. Bauer, V.A. Kovtunenko, Hai La Duong)
10-21.10.2022: Graz (P. Krejčí, J. Runcziková, 15-21 G.A. Monteiro)
05-12.12.2022: Prague (E. Bauer, V.A. Kovtunenko)


[1] V.A. Kovtunenko, P. Krejci, N. Krenn, E. Bauer, L. Sivakova and A.V. Zubkova, On feasibility of rate-independent stress paths under proportional deformations within hypoplastic constitutive model for granular materials, Mathematical Models in Engineering 5 (2019), 4, 119-126 [pdf]

[2] E. Bauer, V.A. Kovtunenko, P. Krejci, N. Krenn, L. Sivakova and A.V. Zubkova, On proportional deformation paths in hypoplasticity, Acta Mechanica 231 (2020), 4, 1603-1619 [pdf]

[3] V.A. Kovtunenko, E. Bauer, J. Elias, P. Krejci, G.A. Monteiro and L. Strakova (Sivakova), Cyclic behavior of simple models in hypoplasticity and plasticity with nonlinear kinematic hardening, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. - Math. Phys. 14 (2021), 6, 756-767 [pdf]

[4] V.A. Kovtunenko, J. Elias, P. Krejci, G.A. Monteiro and J. Runczikova, Stress-controlled hysteresis and long-time dynamics of implicit differential equations arising in hypoplasticity, Arch. Math. (Brno) 59 (2023), 3, 275-286 [pdf]

[5] J. Chleboun, J. Runczikova and P. Krejci, The impact of uncertain parameters on ratchetting trends in hypoplasticity, in: Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 21, J. Chleboun, P. Kus, J. Papez, M. Rozloznik, K. Segeth, J. Sistek (Eds), Inst. Math. CAS, Prague, 2023, 37-46 [pdf]

[6] E. Bauer, V.A. Kovtunenko, P. Krejci, G.A. Monteiro and J. Runczikova, Stress-controlled ratchetting in hypoplasticity: a study of periodically proportional loading cycles, Acta Mechanica 234 (2023), 9, 4077-4093 [pdf]

[7] E. Bauer, V.A. Kovtunenko, P. Krejci and G.A. Monteiro, Rate Type hypoplastic differential equations under mixed stress-strain control in biaxial test, in: Modern Achievements in Symmetries of Differential Equations (Symmetry 2022), E. Schulz, S. Moyo and S.V. Meleshko (Eds.), Suranaree University of Technology in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand (2023), 59-68 [pdf]

[8] V.A. Kovtunenko, P. Krejci, G.A. Monteiro and J. Runczikova, Hysteresis of implicit equations in hypoplasticity for soil materials with granular hardness degradation, J. Math. Sci. 280 (2024), 3, 453-467 [pdf]


[WTZ Grant Conditions]
[WTZ Reimbursement Travel Expenses Outgoing]