

html für Linguisten

style.css (Formatvorlagen für den Gebrauch in html)


html 4.0 command reference

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erklärungen zum layout

vorlage für abschlußarbeiten

FYI – for your information

richard stallman explains the free software movement

richard stallman explains free software

richard stallman talks about a free digital society

richard stallman explains cellphones

richard stallman explains “copyright”

useful free GPL software

nowadays, you can install and use GEDIT, EMACS or other GPL software; GEDIT is easy to use, and EMACS is extremely powerful. for professional layout, use LaTeX; for everyday use, HTML with CSS is useful.

useful freeware and some shareware (for ms windows operating systems)

notetab (free version is restricted, not unicode capable)

foxit (quick pdf reader)

k-lite (all codecs + mediaplayer)

pspad (powerful unicode/hex editor)

babelpad (for unicode input, very simple; does not run under WINE)

freecommander (double-window file manager)

ccleaner (system maintenance)

izarc (compression utility)

renamer (file renaming)

snapfiles (freeware archive)

useful free software (all platforms)

txt2tags (document generator, creates html, latex, etc.)

treepad (outliner)

pdftotxt (creates text files from pdf; correctly separates column text; linux only)

pdftohtml (creates simple html from pdf, restores pictures)

notecase (outliner)

libreoffice (office suite)

firefox (browser)

thunderbird (email client)

avidemux (video editor)

linguistic software

STX (acoustic phonetic segmentation, analysis & phonetic database)

Praat (acoustic phonetic analysis)

Toolbox etc. (morph. interlinearization)

qtree (syntax trees in LaTeX)

CHILDES (Child Language Data Exchange System)

unicode fonts

[linux libertine] (frei + komplettes inventar der lateinischen schriftzeichen inklusive IPA)

[doulos-sil] (alternative for IPA)

[tibetan fonts]

unicode codes

unicode converter

nach Buchstaben: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, glottal, clicks, tone.

sonderzeichen: sonderzeichentabelle; apostrophe, ipa, satzzeichen, klammern, sonderzeichen, zahlen, blank space, spezial, symbole, pfeile, linien, währungen, iging.

andere schriften: tibetisch. chinesisch, devanagari.


[bcrypt] (use with care)



[puppy linux] (lightweight life os for use from a usb key, very fast)

[puppy linux command reference]

[lubuntu] (ubuntu with a meaningful and fast desktop system)

[linux users community]

[distrowatch -- choose one]


[linux file system for windows] (a linux partition can be accessed from within a windows os)