

9-13.10.2023 O. Atlasiuk (Czech Republic)
9-13.10.2023 P. Krejcí (Czech Republic)
9-13.10.2023 G.A. Monteiro (Czech Republic)

24-27.03.2024 O. Atlasiuk (Czech Republic)

6-9.06.2024: L. Paoli (France)
6-9.06.2024: A. Petrov (France)
6-9.06.2024: Y. Renard (France)


11-15.12.2023 O. Atlasiuk (Czech Republic)

24-27.06.2024: N. Ayhan (Austria)
23-25.06.2024: B. Tang (Austria)
23-30.06.2024: E. Bauer (Austria)
24-30.06.2024: V.A. Kovtunenko (Austria)


26-29.11.2023: N. Ayhan (Austria)
23-29.11.2023: E. Bauer (Austria)
25-29.11.2023: V.A. Kovtunenko (Austria)
24-27.11.2023: L. Paoli (France)
24-27.11.2023: A. Petrov (France)


10.10.2023 (University of Graz)
Pavel Krejcí: "Degenerate hysteresis in partially saturated porous media"

26.03.2024 (University of Graz)
Olena Atlasiuk: "ODE-systems with boundary conditions containing higher-order derivatives"

7.06.2024 (University of Graz)
Laetitia Paoli: "Vibro-impact problems from a mathematical perspective"
Adrien Petrov: "A mass redistribution method for finite element dynamic contact problems"
Yves Renard: "The Nitsche method for the finite element approximation of contact problems of deformable bodies : comparison with other strategies"