Linguistic Terminology

(1. Fachprüfung, Linguistik)

General Concepts

·           diachronic vs. synchronic

·           langue vs. parole vs. langage

·           competence vs. performance

·           prescriptive vs. descriptive

·           sign

·           signifier/signifiant (signified/signifié)

·           types of signs

-      iconic sign

-      indexical sign

-      symbolic sign

·           code

·           arbitrariness

Historical & Comparative Linguistics

·           etymology

·           cognates

·           types of linguistic change

-     phonological change: sound changes (e.g. velar softening) vs. sound shifts (e.g. Great Vowel Shift)

-     grammatical change (e.g. regularization of irregular past tense forms)

-     semantic change (widening/extension, narrowing, metaphoric/metonymy  shift, derogation/pejoration, amelioration)

·           language types & language families

-      synthetic vs. analytical languages

-      Indo-European languages

-      Centum vs. Satem languages

-      Germanic languages (vs. Romance languages, Slavic languages, etc.)

-      West Germanic languages (vs. North Germanic & East Germanic)

·           historical periods of the English language

-      Old English

-      Middle English

-      Early Modern English

-      Modern English (Present Day English)

·           weak vs. strong verbs

Phonetics & Phonology

·           voicing

·           place of articulation (consonants)

-      bilabial

-      labiodental

-      (inter)dental

-      alveolar

-      palatal

-      velar

-      uvular

-      glottal

·           manner of articulation (consonants)

-      plosive/stop

-      fricative

-      affricate

-      nasal

-      lateral

-      approximant

-      aspiration

·           tongue position (vowels)

-      front

-      central

-      back

·           tongue height (vowels)

-      close (high)

-      open (low)

-      close-mid

-      open-mid

·           length (vowels)

·           lip rounding (vowels)

·           diphthong

·           vowel chart

·           phoneme

·           minimal pair

·           allophone

-      free vs. complementary distribution

·           phonological processes

-      weakening

-      elision

-      assimilation

·           suprasegmentals/prosody:

-      stress (word stress vs. sentence stress)

-      intonation


·           word form vs. lexeme

·           content vs. function word

·           morpheme

·           neologism

·           word formation processes:

-      compounding

-      derivation

-      conversion

-      clipping

-      blending

-      acronym

-      borrowing/loan word

-      loan translation (calque)

-      back formation

-      reduplication

-      coinage

·           allomorph

-      lexically vs. phonologically conditioned

·           free vs. bound morpheme

·           lexical vs. grammatical morpheme

·           open vs. closed class

·           derivational vs. inflectional morpheme

·           prefix vs. suffix


·           conceptual meaning/denotation vs. connotation

·           sense vs. reference

·           collocation

·           semantic prototypes

·           componential analysis

·           lexical semantics

·           sense relations

-      synonymy (synonym)

-      antonymy (antonym)

-      hyponymy (hypernym/superordinate & hyponym; co-hyponym)

-      meronymy (holonym & partonym)

-      homonymy (homonym)

-      homophony (homophone)

-      homography (homograph)

-      polysemy (polyseme)

-      semantic field

·           figurative meaning

-      metaphor

-      metonymy


·           formal vs. functional grammar

·           deep structure vs. surface structure

·           tree diagram

·           phrase structure rules

·           transformation

·           sentence vs. clause vs. phrase

·           word classes (parts of speech)

-      noun

-      verb

-      adjective

-      adverb

-      preposition

-      conjunction

-      determiner

-      auxiliary verb

-      modal verb

-      (definite & indefinite) article

-      (personal, possessive, demonstrative, indefinite) pronouns

-      quantifiers

-      cardinal vs. ordinal numbers

·           types of phrases

-      noun phrase

-      verb phrase

-      adverbial phrase

-      adjective phrase

-      prepositional phrase

·           sentence types

-      declarative

-      interrogative

-      imperative

·           finite  vs. non-finite

·           infinitive vs. participle

·           tense vs. aspect

·           mood

-      indicative

-      subjunctive

-      imperative

·           voice

-      active vs. passive

·           syntactic functions

-      subject

-      (direct & indirect) object

-      head vs. modifier (pre-modifier & post-modifier)

·           subordination vs. coordination

·           ellipsis

Pragmatics, text linguistics and discourse analysis

·           sentence vs. utterance

·           competence vs. communicative competence

·           schema & script

·           context

-      participants: addresser/addressee

-      setting

-      channel

·           features of textuality

-      cohesion

-      coherence

-      intentionality

-      acceptability

-      situationality

-      informativity

-      intertextuality

·           functional varieties

-      register

-      genre

-      style

-      mode (spoken vs. written)

·           speech act

-      locutionary act

-      illocutionary act

-      perlocutionary effect

·           types of speech acts

-      assertive

-      rogative (question)

-      commissive

-      directive

-      expressive

-      declarative

·           information structure (theme/rheme)

·           exchange

·           turn-taking

·           adjacency pair

·           Cooperative Principle (Grice)

-      Maxim of Quality

-      Maxim of Quantity

-      Maxim of Relation

-      Maxim of Manner

·           (Linguistic) Politeness


·           variety

·           dialect

·           sociolect

-      social class

-      gender (genderlect)

-      ethnicity

-      age

·           idiolect

·           standardization & standard vs. non-standard language

·           accent vs. dialect

·           RP vs. General American

·           rhotic vs. non-rhotic English accents

·           isogloss & isophone

·           speech community

·           code switching

·           diglossia

·           pidgin

·           creole


Neurolinguistics (language and the brain)

·           cerebral cortex

·           right & left hemisphere

·           (hemispheric) dominance

·           lateralization

·           critical period

·           Broca’s & Wernicke’s area

·           language disorders

-      aphasia (Broca’s & Wernicke’s aphasia)

Language acquisition

·           nature vs. nurture

·           language universals & Universal Grammar

·           acquisition strategies

-      imitation

-      reinforcement & parental correction

-      analogy

-      (over)generalization

-      (over)extension

·           acquisition stages

-      pre-language stages (crying, cooing, babbling)

-      one-word stage

-      two-word stage

-      multi-word stages

·           acquisition order

·           caretaker speech/child-directed language

·           foreign language vs. second language

·           language acquisition vs. language learning