Larijani says Prodi's nuclear proposal worth study

Larijani says Prodi's nuclear proposal worth study

Tehran, Oct 26, IRNA
Supreme Leader's Representative to SNSC said two sides' stand got closer in Rome talks, and Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi put forth a proposal that is worth studying.

Ali Larijani made the comment upon return home from Italy and Germany, where along with successor Saeed Jalili, he held talks with the EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana, the Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi and later on in Hamburg with the German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

"Mr. Solana proposed some strategic viewpoints for pursuing the diplomatic negotiations, and we, too, put forth our viewpoints." Larijani added, "In the course of negotiations some more productive and tender minds come up with brilliant proposals, and Mr.

Prodi, too, has his worthy proposal now."
"We need to take advantage of the entire potentials and not to limit ourselves to any single solution to our nuclear problem." Larijani said, "With taking advantage of various viewpoints we can solve the problem, since Iran believes the main issue is solving the entire remaining ambiguities regarding its peaceful nuclear program in accordance with the articles of an agreement we have reached with the agency."

*** Method for Supervision over Natanz
"By implementing the agreement reached between Tehran and the IAEA, in addition to solving the plutonium and pollution of Karaj warehouse problems, we have achieved to sign a very important document on how to regulate IAEA's supervision over Natanz uranium enrichment facilities."

*** Talks with EU on Nuclear, Regional Issues
He described talks with Solana as "good and constructive", adding, "We held two rounds of talks with Mr. Solana, and during the last minutes of our talks with the Italian Foreign Minister Massimo D'Alema, too, he was present, where we held another 90 minute talk with him.

Larijani added, "Also, in addition to our meeting with the Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi, we held talks with some European officials who had come to Rome, and in Germany we held talks with German Foreign Minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, on cooperation with the agency, as well as the sensitive regional issues."

*** Do not Urge Iran to Choose another Path
Larijani emphasized, "Iran's negotiations with Solana are going to continue late November, and we hope to keep in mind the positive perspective of our cooperation with the IAEA, some countries would alter their policies, and not urge Iran to choose another path.

He pointed to certain moves made by the US in recent days, that how they are after trouble making in the region, adding that although many countries, including the ones in Group 5+1, have appreciated Iran's close cooperation with the IAEA, Washington keeps pursuing it unilateral approach.

He added, "This US approach proves it makes no difference whether Iran would closely cooperate with the agency, or stop cooperation, and if it's so, we have to change our expectations."

*** Mr Jalili Must Pursue Both Technical and Political talks In response to a question whether he would attend the future technical talks with IAEA, Larijani said that the new SNSC Secretary Saeed Jalili must pursue talks in both fields in the future.


---> Larijani-Prodi-Proposal

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