Scientists: Engineer (or Biologist) + Physicist + Mathematician

There is a notorious combination of such jokes. Here is a bunch of those (some in English, some in German).

An Engineer, a Physicist, and a Mathematician all go the same Conference. University budgets being what they are, they all stay in the same cheap hotel. Each room has the same floor plan, has the same cheap TV, the same cheap bed, and a small bathroom.

Instead of a sprinkler system, the hotel has opted for Fire Buckets. The Engineer, Physicist, and Mathematician are all asleep in bed. At about 2AM, the Engineer wakes up because he smells smoke. He looks in the corner of the room and sees that the TV set is on fire! He dashes into the bathroom, fills the Fire Bucket to overflowing with water, and drenches the TV set. The fire goes out, and the Engineer goes back to sleep.

A little while later, the Physicist wakes because he smells smoke. He looks in the corner and sees that the TV set is on fire. He grabs a handy envelope, estimates the BTU output of the fire, scribbles a quick calculation, then dashes into the bathroom and fills the Fire Bucket with just enough water to douse the flames. He puts the fire out and goes back to sleep.

In a little while, the Mathematician wakes up to the smell of smoke. He looks in the corner and sees the TV on fire. He looks into the bathroom and sees the Fire Bucket. Having determined that a solution exists, he goes back to sleep.

A mathematician, an engineer, and a physicist are being interviewed for a job. In each case, the interview goes along until the last question is asked: "How much is one plus one?" Each of them suspects a trap, and is hesitant to answer. The mathematician thinks for a moment, and says "I'm not sure, but I think it converges". The physicist says "I'm not sure, but I think it's on the order of one" The engineer gets up, closes the door to the office, and says "How much do you want it to be?"

Three men with degrees in mathmatics, physics and biology are locked up in dark rooms for research reasons.

A week later the researchers open the a door, the biologist steps out and reports: "Well, I sat around until I started to get bored, then I searched the room and found a tin which I smashed on the floor. There was food in it which I ate when I got hungry. That's it."

Then they free the man with the degree in physics and he says, "I walked along the walls to get an image of the room's geometry, then I searched it. There was a metal cylinder at five feet into the room and two feet left of the door. It felt like a tin and I threw it at the left wall at the right angle and velocity for it to crack open."

Finally, the researchers open the third door and hear a faint voice out of the darkness, "Let C be an open can."

Ein reicher Mann moechte bei Pferdewetten immer gewinnen und schreibt daher einen Forschungsauftrag aus. Zuerst bemueht sich ein Mathematiker. Nach einem Monat taucht er wieder auf und sagt, es gaebe eine Loesung. Der Reiche ist entzueckt, und will sie wissen. Der Mathematiker insistiert: es gibt eine Loesung, welche das ist, weiss ich nicht. Nun wird der Auftrag an einen Ingenieur vergeben. Nach einem Monat kommt er mit einem Computerproramm, das in 80 Prozent der Faelle Gewinn verspricht. Dem Reichen ist das zu wenig. Er beauftragt einen Physiker. Der kommt nach einem Monat und behauptet, eine 100 % sicher Loesung zu haben. Der Reiche  will sie hoeren. Der Physiker: "Man betrachte eine kreisfoermige Rennbahn und kugelfoermige Pferde von 1m Durchmesser...."

Zwei Leute steigen in einem Heissluftballon auf, bis sie weit ueber den Wolken fahren.  Nach einiger Zeit verlieren sie dieOrientierung. Sie sehen auf einer aus den Wolken ragenden Bergspitzejemanden stehen und rufen ihm aus der Ferne zu:"Wo sind wir?". Nichts passiert. Sie ziehen langsam vorbei. Nach 15 Minuten, gerade noch in Rufweite, ruft der Mann von der Bergspitze zurueck: "Sie sind in einem Heissluftballon."
Der eine im Ballon sagt zum anderen: das war ein Mathematiker. Alle drei Voraussetzungen treffen zu: (1) Die Antwort war wohlueberlegt. (2) Die Antwort war richtig. (3) Die Antwort war vollkommen nutzlos.

Eine Gruppe Experimentalphysiker und  eine GruppeTheoretiker fahren zu einem Kongress und treffen sich am Bahnhof. Die Experimentaphysiker kaufen entsprechend viele Fahrkarten, die Theoretiker schicken einen Mann an den Schalter und er kauft nur eine Karte. Befragt, antworten die Theoretiker "Wir haben einen Algorithmus".

Im Zug hoert man den Schaffner aus dem Nebenabteil "Fahrtkarten bitte". Die Theoretiker springen auf und verschwinden im WC. Der Schaffner stempelt alle Karten und klopft ans WC " Fahrkarten bitte". Eine wird unter der Tuer herausgeschoben. Der Schaffner stempelt sie und geht weiter. Die Experimentalphysiker sind beeindruckt. Nach dem Kongress, am Rueckweg, trifft man sich wieder am Bahnhof. Die Experimentalphysiker kaufen diesemal nur eine Karte, die Theoretiker allerdings keine: "Wir haben einen neuen Algorithmus". Schaffner im Nebenabteil, Experimentalphysiker springen auf und verschwinden im WC. Theoretiker springen auf, rennen ins naechste Abteil und verschwinden dort im WC. Bis auf einen, der klopft an das WC der Experimentalphysiker  und ruft: "Fahrkarten bitte".

A Mathematician, a Biologist and a Physicist are sitting in a street cafe watching people going in and coming out of the house on the other side of the street. First they see two people going into the house. Time passes. After a while they notice three persons coming out of the house. The  Physicist: "The measurement wasn't accurate." The Biologists conclusion: "They have reproduced". The Mathematician: "If now exactly 1 person enters the house then it will be empty again."

There were two men trying to decide what to do for a living.  They went to see a counselor, and he decided that they had good problem solving skills.

He tried a test to narrow the area of specialty.  He put each man in a room with a stove, a table, and a pot of water on the table.  He said "Boil the water".  Both men moved the pot from the table to the stove and turned on the burner to boil the water.  Next, he put them into a room with a stove, a table, and a pot of water on the floor. Again, he said "Boil the water".

The first man put the pot on the stove and turned on the burner.  The counselor told him to be an Engineer, because he could solve each problem individually.  The second man moved the pot from the floor to the table, and then moved the pot from the table to the stove and turned on the burner.  The counselor told him to be a mathematician because he reduced the problem to a previously solved problem.

A biologist, a physicist and a mathematician hike in Scotland. On  a nearby hill they notice a shepherd and a black sheep. The biologists  cries out:"Look, in Scotland the sheep are black!".

The physicist corrects: "Well, strictly speaking, all we know is that there is at least one black sheep in Scotland".

The mathematician insists: "Actually, we should say that there is at least on sheep in Scotland, that is black at least on one side of its body!"

Meanwhile the have come close to the shepherd, who had listened to the conversation. He says: "I am not sure, what you are talking about, but I will take my goat now and go home."

A doctor, a lawyer and a physicist were discussing the relative merits of having a wife or a mistress.

The lawyer says: "For sure a mistress is better. If you have a wife and eventually want a divorce, it causes all sorts of legal problems."

The doctor says: "It's better to have a wife because the sense of security lowers your stress and is good for your health."

The physicist says: " You're both wrong. It's best to have both . Your wife thinks you're with the mistress and the mistress thinks you're
with your wife --- meanwhile you can do physics."